30 jan 1999
- 990130, A new member added Randy West.
- 990130, A new member added Crusader.
- 990130, A new member added Roadkill.
- 990130, Some chenges where done to the
rank page.
- 990128, I�ve added EZ macro to the page
because some members has been looking for it.
- 990128, We got some cool awards.
- 990128, Now its possible to apply for
membership through the webpage.
- 990126, I�ve deleted the counting of
members belong to the Units, its fat to annoying to uppdate. Unit leaders have to check
the memberspage to see the players belonging to a certain unit.
- 990126, Ingi has been replaced by Don
Dabrick as the the Treasurer of the brotherhood.
- 990122, Some members has had their rank
- 990116, A new member added to the
brotherhood, Archmage
- 990116, Have made some chenges to the
emperor page.
- 990116, Done some uppdates to the cont
- 990114, Some major changes where done to
the unit page, also check out the member page to see what unit u belong to.
- 990114, A new member added Rozztoc.
- 990114, A new member added Waylay.
- 990114, Some Brothers got medals check
the cont page.
- 990114, Added biography for some chars.
- 980112, Added some pics from Rammys &
Azzizas wedding.
- 990106, Alot of updates has been done. I
hope that i didnt forget to much people on the memberpage.
- 981217, I have done som major changes to
the cont page. From todays date we are only gona publish the current status of the vault
not minus the expenses rammy made in the begining of History.