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Medals and Awards

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17 jan 1999

These Medals and Awards may be posted on the Message board by other members that think some of the members really deserves a Medal or Award for there actions. And this Medals and Awards will show you that you are great companions and all these members should be treated with respect.
Medal of Duty

Medal of Duty

These members shown that they can truly provide the members with great things. Their skills are approved greatly and what they give is Peak performed crafted work that does a big differance in Hunting or General.
Medal of Honour

Medal of Honour

Loyal members that show the guild that they really strive for making Blood Brothers [AIS] prosperous and a great community with there actions.
Medal of Bravery

Medal of Bravery

Such bravery that these individuals have shown are hard to express but they have shown to be a force of AIS and with their back-up youre in safe hands.
RezWalker Award

RezWalker Award

Players that have saved people in trouble with their own life at stake true honourable Members and good fighters.
Award for Knowledge

Award for Knowledge

As a member of knowledge and true Scholar in Heradlry about this world some of us are great asset to the other characters.